tricks, and valuable information
This is the place where we want to provide you with a
number of useful hints that will help you to work even more efficiently with
the iks aquastar and clarify any points that may be unclear. So that this
page can be extended and updated easily and quickly, we have set out the
information as a Word document and in PDF format. We would certainly welcome
any ideas and suggestions you may have so that we can incorporate them here
at the next opportunity. It would be great if you could let as have your
input in as a Word document.
This section is not structured into separate themes but
is more or less a "loose-leaf" compilation intended to give you
ideas for your own experiments. In doing so, we assume that you have a certain
degree of experience in the field of aquaristics and in using the iks aquastar.
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User Manual
Tips & Tricks
iks ComputerSysteme GmbH
Friedrich-Speidel-Straße 36
D-76307 Karlsbad
Fon: +49 (0)7202-941140
Fax: +49 (0)7202-941141
E-Mail: info@iks-aqua.com
Internet: www.iks-aqua.com