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 PC Software iks aquaSTAR VISUAL

  Details: PC Software iks aquastar visual

  Download: PC software iks aquastar visual

  Download User manual (englisch)



Latest aquastar software version

  Here you will find the latest software for the iks aquastar system. You get a description of the update process in the short instruction.


  Step 1: download the aquastar software and be aware of the serial number of your iks aquastar (Step 2)
     iks aquastar version 2.19 english (75 kB)
     iks aquastar version 2.20 english (85 kB)
     iks aquastar version 2.21 english (85 kB)
     iks aquastar version 2.25 english (66 kB) SUPPLEMENT SHEET TO THE USER'S MANUAL
     iks aquastar version 2.26 english (66 kB)
     iks aquastar version 2.26f multi language (318 kB) NEW! FOR OPERATION WITH IKS ODOS SENSOR

  Step 2: download the PC update software
     UpdateenglishV02.exe (684 kB) for iks aquastars with serial number up to 3464 (Basissystem SN: xxxx)
     UpdateenglishV03.exe (684 kB) for iks aquastars with serial number from 3465 (Basissystem SN: xxxx)

  Step 3: install the PC software

  Step 4: update your iks aquastar

  History: Modification in different versions


Getting the internally stored data to your PC / iks datastar

The interface to the PC is part of the basic system. The aquastar is able to store internally up to 2000 times all the measured values. To get this data to your PC you can use the free software datastar. The software stores the aquastar data into separate files in a standard text format which you can reprocess for example with a spreadsheet software.
  iks datastar v2.0 (2.0 MB)


Getting the internally stored data to your PC in a more comfortable way : iks aquastar winsoft version 0.19.0

 The software stores the aquastar data into one file in a standard text format which you can reprocess for      example with a spreadsheet software.
 Look for the menu item "Edit - Read stored data"

 iks aquastar winsoft version v0.19.0 ENGLISH

  user manual for iks aquastar winsoft version 0.19.0 (english):
 M_winsft.pdf ( 596 kB)
 M_winsft.exe ( 213 kB) ( MS Word 9)







  User Manual

  Tips & Tricks



iks ComputerSysteme GmbH
Friedrich-Speidel-Straße 36
D-76307 Karlsbad

Fon: +49 (0)7202-941140
Fax: +49 (0)7202-941141


E-Mail: info@iks-aqua.com
Internet: www.iks-aqua.com



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